Week 4: Characters, plot and setting

Aims and objectives:

To understand the ingredients/characteristics of narrative devices:

Story:  Character, Plot structure and Setting.

The importance of character and characters’s NEED

Character’s NEED = action = plot

The Hero’s Journey: what is it and how does it work

What make a good character?

How does this affect the style of writing and choice of narrative?

Character questions to ask yourself and character

Setting: place you love and hate

Setting questions

Show and don’t tell.

To: Demonstrate an understanding of how to build a character and how this effects the style of writing. Write in any form exploring a character, setting and plot: short story, script for film or theatre or radio, beginning of novel, poem or journalistic (non-fiction) article.

Image result for hero's journey stages

PowerPoint’s and other documents from this weeks session:

Character, Plot and Setting 

Character questions. word 97[1] 

Character description fiction and nonfiction 

Click to access character-descritions-dickens-hornby-dewar.pdf

The Hero’s Journey 

Tips for Writing Compelling Profiles 

Need vs Want _The Lie Your Character Believes is the reason for all character arcs 

Showing and telling techniques and extracts



Free write warm up

Think about a place that you love to go. What does it mean to you? Why do you love it? What do you do there? How does it make you feel? Start free writing about it non-stop for five minutes and then share ideas


Think of a place you do not like to go to, perhaps somewhere you feel frightened or uneasy. Why don’t you like to be there? How do you feel when you are there? What is it about that place that makes you feel this way? Again, write non-stop for five minutes.

Click below to see questions/prompts to help you with creating a setting

Setting questions





Look at the rules of show and not tell

Further research into building characters and setting


Evaluate the skills and ideas we have explore and tell me why we learnt them: what, how, why.

What impact has this had on your writing. did it help and it what way did it help.



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